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Crossfire       4:36

igri             4:13

Lieu dit        3:52

Toma Gouband : Percussions & Stones Roman Bestion : Pianos & Synthetizers

Vega : Images, Video & textures installations

Céline Grangey : Sound processing & Multichannel broadcasting

Exploration of a texture, visual and sound experiment, igri°2 is driven by the idea of a sound rite which take the shape of an installation in the space.

This rite is made by circles and parallel trances, giving life to sounding stones, hypnotic synthetizers, and minimalist pianos. It develops itself in the space, slowly, as a river takes shape in its bed, with slides projected images and multi-broadcasting sound.

Toma Gouband was born in 1976 in Manosque, France. He started playing percussions at 5 years old and then followed drums studies till the age of 20. At the moment he plays percussions with drums, stones, cymbow, feather dusters, leaves…

He plays with Benoit Delbecq, Evan Parker, Matt Wright, Kim Myhr, Nelson Veras, Harmen Fraanje, Michael Moore, Brice Soniano, Magic Malik, Eve Risser, Mathieu Calleja, Nils Ostendorf, Roman Bestion, Michel Doneda, Basile Robert, Tobias Delius

Céline Grangey was integrated advanced scientific training with study at the National Superior Music Conservatory of Paris, beginning in 2001. She pursued parallel training courses in France (Radio France, Eloquentia, Festival d’art Lyrique d’Aix-en-Provence) and abroad (Teldex, Musica Numéris). In 2005, she completed her training with a stay at the Banff Centre for the Arts (Canada), where she broadened her experience of combining live and studio recording in wide variety of style.

At the same time, Celine works as FOH engineer with several jazz ensembles such as
 Marc Ducret / Tower and the Orchestre National de Jazz.

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